Is EMDR Therapy in danger of splitting?
How can we develop EMDR without losing its essence? Peter Liebermann's provocative keynote address to the 2021 Europe conference gave much food for thought.
Summer 2021 Vol 3 No 3
How can we develop EMDR without losing its essence? Peter Liebermann's provocative keynote address to the 2021 Europe conference gave much food for thought.
This article compares four approaches to case formulation and treatment planning in EMDR therapy. The paper suggests revisions to the diagrams used and reflects on the relationship between case formulation and treatment protocols.
Oenone Dudley summarises a new competence framework for EMDR, which she co-authored. The framework was recently published by UCL.
As the use of psychotropic medication becomes increasingly widespread, therapists have a responsibility to understand their place. Dannie Rosenhammer reports on a recent EMDR UK webinar given by psychiatrist Dr Millia Begum.
Professor Brandon Hamber's keynote address drew parallels between the wider impacts of conflict and those of the pandemic. Amie Smith elaborates from her experience of working with frontline NHS staff.
Olivier Piedfort-Marin''s workshop considered the 'Psychological Process of Integration of Traumatic Memories in EMDR Psychotherapy'. Omar Sattaur reports.
Abrar Hussain was fascinated by Dr Frank Corrigan’s talk on Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) and the role of the midbrain in processing trauma.
Jessica Woolliscroft looks at the difficulties of managing secondary trauma in supervision groups
Emma McClane reports on research into group approaches to EMDR therapy, one of the themes of this year’s Europe Conference.
Frightening undergraduates with spiders sheds light on how EMDR does its magic. Report by Jessica Woolliscroft
Does BAS merely destabilise a memory? Omar Sattaur reports on new animal research into the mechanism of EMDR
Daily therapy, intense physical activity plus psychoeducation sessions. Professor Ad de Jongh provides evidence for Psytrec's success in treating CPTSD. Report by Jessica Woolliscroft
The evidence base for EMDR is very good. The trouble is that guidelines for treatment are woefully out of date. Professor Chris Lee revealed the forces that EMDR has to fight against.
Michael Hase holds that it is essential to resource depressed patients prior to Phase 4 processing and offered 'instant' resourcing approach.
Since starting my basic training in EMDR, the second edition of this text had been my constant companion. Well thumbed, decorated with splashes of fluorescent marker pen and a smattering of coffee cup rings, it has lived either by the side of my laptop and, more recently, underneath it for optimum height during Zoom sessions. […]
President's update
President's update on EMDR UK
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