
Developing and Strengthening the Inner Adult State

How do we construct an adult self capable of responding appropriately to inner experience and to the demands of life? This article provides a guide to facilitating this process in our most complex clients

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Committee updates

EMDR UK’s Research Strategy: How the Association plans to increase the evidence to support the use of EMDR in the NHS and IAPT

Dr Ben Wright outlines the EMDR Association's Scientific and Research Strategy


Mike O'Connor

President's update

EMDR UK news

Services to members: Update In the Summer edition of ETQ (2021 Vol 3 No 3) I wrote about some of the changes that we have made to help improve the services we provide to you, our members.  Some of the changes are already in place and hopefully, by now, you are experiencing the benefits.  Some […]

Every memory deserves respect book cover


Fifty-five billboards on the road to recovery

A book that speaks clearly about trauma to clients and therapists alike


Developing your practice

This is the first of Robin Logie's Quarterly columns on EMDR Supervision.

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