Instructions for authors

EMDR Therapy Quarterly (ETQ) is intended as a practical journal serving members of the EMDR UK Association and the wider circle of professionals interested in EMDR therapy. In addition to Association news and coverage of the major events in the national and international EMDR calendars, it aims to stimulate informed discussion on important areas of EMDR research and practice, including position papers, research findings, literature reviews and case studies. ETQ is not a peer-reviewed journal, although articles may be sent anonymously to senior practitioners who have expertise in the topic. The following guidelines will help you write your piece in a style that is appropriate for its readership.

Editorial statement

ETQ aims to disseminate and promote effective practice of EMDR therapy and to encourage research and best practice. Its intended audience is practitioners, and with this in mind, the journal publishes articles covering both clinical and professional themes. Papers describing empirical research will be considered in line with those that are practice-focused.

ETQ recognises its ethical obligations as a publisher of research, practice and opinion and aims to foster an environment that is truly inclusive, representative and considerate of the unique healthcare needs and experiences of underserved groups. This commitment aligns with the NIHR guidance from the INCLUDE Project and exemplifies our dedication to advancing healthcare equity through inclusive publication practices. To this end, we invite authors to consider the following questions on positionality and unconscious bias and to write a brief statement addressing the relevant factors to be included in the manuscript.

Questions to aid in identifying author positionality and unconscious bias 

  • What social identities (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, religion, ability and so on) do I identify with, and how significant is each identity to how I write, teach or research? 
  • What type of training and experience do I have? How have they shaped who I am professionally, and how might they impact how I view the research question and design?  
  • Where did my knowledge come from? How was my discipline developed? What role did my discipline play in reifying dominant ideologies or worldviews? What role do I play in this work? In what ways do I challenge or divest from some of these practices? Why or why not? 
  • What elements of my identity, experiences and worldviews shape my writing? 

ETQ insists on the use of inclusive language that is free from sexism, racism, ableism, bias and stereotyping.


Articles will be welcomed from those involved in the practice and/or research of EMDR. ETQ comprises the following categories of articles:

  • Research – reviews, case reports, series, service evaluations, clinical trials
  • Practice – including supervision
  • Opinion – book reviews, conference reviews
  • News – items of interest from the EMDR and trauma world
  • Regulars – special interest group (SIG) updates, regional group updates, Association committee updates.

Articles should contain only original material that has not been published and is not under consideration for publication in any other domain.

ETQ style guidelines

  • Manuscripts must be written in UK English and be in MS Word format
  • Line spacing should be 1.5 for ease of editing
  • The formatting of text should not go beyond the use of bold or italics to distinguish between the main title, headings and subheadings. A standard font, font size and spacing will be applied to your document when it is uploaded onto the ETQ website
  • Tables, figures and graphics should be submitted as separate files but have their intended positions clearly marked in the manuscript. Images should be submitted as PNG or JPEG files
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining the copyright of any images used in the document, and plagiarism is not acceptable
  • All word counts exclude references, tables and figures
  • Please ensure that clients are fully anonymised. It is essential that you have received written permission from your client to use anonymised versions of their therapy prior to submission. Click here for a sample consent form.
  • All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA style guide (7th edition).

The use of AI-assisted technology, while not unethical, does raise important ethical concerns. The possibility of AI-generated content plagiarising existing content is a genuine concern, as is the introduction of discriminatory biases. The EMDR community values authenticity, and if AI-written content is not declared as such, it can be misleading and lead to a diminished trust of the readers. AI can be a valuable tool for generating content, but ultimately, the ethics of its use remain in the author’s domain.


Please format your references before submission and ensure that the papers listed match those referenced in the article. Please list references and footnotes at the end of the article, indicating in the body text the material each refers to.
We strongly recommend that you subscribe to the EMDR Publications Database hosted by Zotero. This can be used as your bibliographic software and is a free resource for members of the Association.

You may also find the following site helpful for formatting references:

Types of submissions

Research/literature reviews

Literature reviews should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length. While ETQ is not a peer-reviewed journal, we would expect that your methodology has at least a nod to the PRISMA guidelines. The suggested structure for a literature review is as follows:

  1. Abstract
  2. Learning objectives: How does the review add to existing knowledge in this area?
  3. Introduction: Provide the context for the review
  4. Methods: Describe your search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and complete a PRISMA flow chart
  5. Results
  6. Discussion: What have you learned from the review process, and how does this contribute to knowledge, practice and ideas for further research?
  7. Limitations
  8. Summary and further reading
  9. References.

Case reports

We seek case reports that contribute to the development of EMDR theory and/or practice. They should be between 2000 and 5000 words in length. Sufficient detail must be included for other practitioners to replicate successful treatments. Clients must consent to their data being used, and their voice should be included as much as possible. So-called ‘composite clients’ should not be used, as they suggest that an individual’s experience is insufficient and that demonstrating protocol and process in a linear fashion is more important than what really happened. The report should be written in the first person, and the author’s part in directing the therapy should be acknowledged. The suggested structure for case report articles is as follows:

  1. Abstract: A brief summary of the findings presented in the case report
  2. Learning objectives: What does the case report illuminate? How does it add to existing practice in this area?
  3. Introduction: Briefly introduce the client and their presenting problems. State your initial thoughts concerning formulation. Give an overview of the client, including their comorbidities, prior treatment experiences, outcomes, etc
  4. Course of therapy: Narrate the story of the work that was undertaken in the order that it was done
  5. Outcomes
  6. Discussion: Has your case report highlighted a hitherto unforeseen problem or pitfall? Has it added to or reinforced existing practices or approaches? Has it suggested an alternative way of working with this presentation? Where might this lead during further work with this client group?
  7. Summary and further reading
  8. References.

Trials and service evaluations

While it can be a helpful academic exercise to practise writing up your research in the style of an academic essay or peer-reviewed journal, if you can make it more narrative in style, it will be much appreciated by the readers. The word limit for trials and service evaluations is 5000, and the suggested structure is as follows:

  1. Abstract
  2. Learning objectives: How does the research add to existing knowledge in this area?
  3. Introduction: Provide the context for the research
  4. Methods: Describe your population, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and add a statement about ethical considerations and how they were dealt with. Describe how you conducted the research
  5. Results: What did you discover?
  6. Discussion: What have you learned from the research, and how does this contribute to your knowledge, practice and ideas for further research?
  7. Limitations
  8. Summary and further reading
  9. References.

Practice/opinion articles

These articles may be between 2000 and 5000 words in length and address the following areas:

  • Exploring a current theme in EMDR practice, drawing on EMDR/trauma in the media or literature
  • An article exploring controversy or stating personal opinions on important themes. It is important here that authors present the material as personal opinions (albeit backed up by appropriate references and/or referring to personal communication with leaders in the field)
  • Exemplary practitioners or services
  • Applications of research to practice

Such articles need to be relevant to a range of practitioners, so have a clear idea in your mind about the story you want to tell. It is important that you write in your own voice and that you are truthful. Be careful not to overstate your case, especially when using composite client material. The structure of these articles should be logical and obvious.

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction: Provide context and rationale
  3. Argument
  4. Conclusions and summary
  5. References.

Book reviews

Book reviews should be between 500 and 1000 words in length. Please include the ISBN, price, author and publisher details at the start of your review. Reviews should address the following points:

  • What is the book saying overall? Try to give an overview of the content
  • Is the book essential reading?
  • Are there similar works, and if so, how does this book compare?
  • What are its strengths and weaknesses?
  • How useful is it for practitioners, and why?
  • What readership is the book aimed at and appropriate for?

News items

There are many events in the world of EMDR and trauma  each year. Reporting on presentations given by leaders in the field is of professional interest to all practitioners and is therefore prioritised in the Journal.

News items are generally between 500 and 2000 words in length. Authors should include the published title of the event and the name and designation of the speakers, presenters and facilitators. The content should reflect the main points made by speakers so that readers who were unable to be present are afforded an idea of the topics discussed by presenters and any practice innovations outlined, questions raised, etc. References and quotes should be used wherever possible to reinforce points made by authors.

Regular updates

We welcome updates from the special interest groups, regional groups, and from the Association committees.

Manuscript submission

All authors must sign their approval of the submitted and final document (including the order of authors).

Please send your completed manuscript to

Your manuscript will be acknowledged upon receipt, following a preliminary review by the editor to ensure it complies with submission standards. Manuscripts may be returned to the author for correction of errors. It may also be sent anonymously to an expert in the subject area for review.

Accepted documents will be proofread before being published on the website, and you will be sent a copy of the proof for review.

Please adhere to the file naming format as follows: yyyymmdd brief title.

Proofs and copyright

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright of the paper shall be assigned to EMDR Therapy Quarterly. The publishers will not put any limitation on the personal freedom of the author to use material contained in the paper in other works.

Copy deadlines for 2024

  • Spring issue – 10th April 2024
  • Summer issue – 10th July 2024
  • Autumn issue – 10th October 2024.

Any queries should be addressed to: