The EMDR Publications Database has been developed collaboratively using the expertise of the Sheffield School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) and is provided as a free resource for Association members. Almost 600 members have signed up so far, and hopefully as reports of its usefulness spread, more of you will use it as a resource to support your clinical and research work. You can learn how to access the database here.
The EMDR Publications Database is a collection of peer-reviewed research and dissertations/theses focusing on EMDR. It contains 1899 references, many of which have access to the full text. References in the database are categorised by keywords relating to the clinical area and study type, allowing for easy browsing. The database can also be searched by terms of interest.
The EMDR Publications Database was updated in October 2023, and 86 recent publications have been added. These can be easily viewed, by clicking on the NEWtag in the EMDR database. Within the NEW tag, you can then select further tags of interest to see what has recently been added for specific topics and research types.
Research/publication type tag
Number of new publications added
Systematic reviews
Case series
Qualitative research
Meta-analysis and Network meta-analysis
Cohort studies
Non-English language
1 (Turkish)
Table 1. New publications by research/publication type
*NB – 2 of the trials references are trial protocols.
A relatively large number of systematic review articles have been added this month, in topics such as:
As well as systematic reviews, the EMDR Publications database also other review types, including scoping reviews, realist reviews, and literature reviews. If you want to search for a specific review type other than a systematic review, type your chosen review type in the search box to retrieve a list of references.
Other research types and publication types are included in the database, to view all use the “NEW” tag as mentioned above.
The database includes details of book chapters, and this month, references to all the chapters from EMDR and Creative Arts Therapies edited by Elizabeth Davies, Jocelyn Fitzgerald Sherri Jacobs and Jennifer Marchand have been added. Look for the “open book” icon in the list of references tagged as NEW to identify these.
Reflecting the time of year, details of five dissertations/theses have been added in this update, on topics including brief EMDR to treat symptoms of childbirth trauma experience, and a phenomenological analysis on how clients experience intensive EMDR for PTSD.
Topic tag
Number of new publications added
Disorders associated with stress
Children and adolescents
Table 2. The top five publications by topic (note some publications have more than one topic tag)
Other topics are included in the EMDR Publications Database. If you are interested in a topic that does not have a tag, you can enter it into the search box to retrieve references. Please see our videos for more information:
The database is a dynamic project so if you do have any suggestions about papers that you think are missing or how it might be improved please do get in touch. Research Officer
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We would love to hear what you think about EMDR Therapy Quarterly and publish your letters on our letters page in each edition. If you have comments or opinions about any of the articles you read here, please let us publish them. Write to:
In previous issues of ETQ we have piggy-backed on to Andrew Leeds research blog. It has always proved to be a valuable resource for us in the UK. From November 2022, we acquired the ability to generate our own equivalent using the EMDR Publications Database. This has been developed collaboratively using the expertise of the […]