Improved Communications and Other Developments

Many of you will have read my email update from June, but the news about Association and EMDR UK business, I think, bears repeating. 

Strategic Direction

Under Mike’s leadership last year, the board were able to spend some time thinking strategically, which isn’t always possible when there is so much day-to-day business to keep up with. As your professional body it is important to have our strategic aims clearly stated. It is a bit like having a good case conceptualisation to inform therapy planning. If we don’t know where we are heading, we have nothing to measure our activities against. That is why everything that we do as an Association needs to fit in with at least one of the five strategic aims.  If you want to learn more: EMDR UK Mission, Values & Aims


EMDR Association UK on LinkedIn launched earlier this year. We now have more than 1000 followers! If you’re not already following us, please do at: Please help spread the word. If you want to know more about upcoming subjects and other information please click here.

Association committees

Often the hidden engine rooms of the Association are the various committees that serve the members and board. These include Accreditation, Eligibility, Executive and more. These require a steady flow of volunteers to keep their work moving forward. Below are the chairs of the committees that are currently looking for new members. Please get in touch if you are interested in being part of their important work.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDI) –

Child & Adolescent Committee (C&A) –

Scientific & Research Committee (SRC) –


The article “The Therapeutic Relationship in EMDR Therapy” has just been published in Frontiers in Psychology and addresses a very important topic in the field of EMDR therapy – Therapeutic Relationship in EMDR Therapy 2022

Dr Ben Wright and Colleen Swindon from our SRC have had their robust response published in response to a recent article in Therapy Today, that used inaccurate quotes and outdated research about EMDR and its mechanisms of action.

The project with the University of Sheffield in producing a searchable free member’s database of EMDR therapy publications is moving forward well and we hope to make this valuable resource live by the start of the new academic year in September.

If you missed it from my last update, there is a new password ( EMDR22J ) for the Journal of EMDR Practice & Research: journal-of-emdr-practice-and-research

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Access to Regional Groups (RGs) and SIGs is one of the key benefits of membership. In this online age you may have missed linking to your local groups, so please find a RG near you (RGs and SIGs) or consider whether you want to set one up. In addition, SIGs are a great way of sharing expertise in specialist areas. They generally meet online, and the current list is also available in the link above including the new Pain SIG. There are also plans to start a Perinatal SIG and Dissociation SIG. Remember, the first year’s membership is free for new SIG or RG members (and NHS staff), so encourage EMDR colleagues to join here.


EMDR Europe is doing a huge amount to support EMDR Ukraine and other

related projects. In recognition, the board agreed to a £10k donation to further support these initiatives. In addition, EMDR Europe is collating the various live projects in our community. If you are involved in an initiative regarding EMDR therapy and Ukraine citizens or therapists please drop us a line to: so that we can help to coordinate this effort.

EMDR UK Board & Team Members

The webpage has been updated so if you want to know more about the new members of our team, visit: meet-the-team

Sian Morgan

I am sure you heard the sad news that in April 2022 Sian, the president of Trauma Aid UK (TAUK), passed away. Sian’s funeral was well attended by many members of our community. At our recent board meeting we agreed to make a £5k donation to TAUK in her memory. We are also thinking about other ways to commemorate Sian’s legacy.

Media requests

EMDR therapy is often an approach that sparks the curiosity of the media and sometimes members get approached for interviews. However, talking about EMDR or explaining it in ways the public will understand is sometimes tricky. Our media expert, Katy Bell, can help here and so I’d really encourage you to contact her:

Europe conference

After a successful conference in Valencia last month, plans for Bologna 2023 are already coming together. Dates for your diary are 23-25 June 2023. You can attend online or in-person. Don’t miss it!


For high quality and low cost CPD, the latest Association webinars can be found here: If you have ideas for future presenters or

are willing to share your expertise, contact Maxine at

Those are the main points for now. Take care, stay involved and look after each other.