Advertise in EMDR Therapy Quarterly
General policy for all media
To be accepted, an advert must be more than 50% related to EMDR. Adverts will be excluded if they involve recruitment, non-mental health products or might cause offence. There may be other exclusions and the Association will reserve the right to refuse adverts without giving a reason.
EMDR Therapy Quarterly
By advertising in ETQ you will reach a specialist audience of EMDR practitioners numbering 4000 and rising.
Adverts will account for no more than 25% of the Journal.
Adverts for events organised by EMDR Association (including Regional Groups, Sections or Special Interest Group events) and Trauma Aid UK & Ireland are free of charge.
For all other adverts the rates vary between £80-£200 depending on placement in the journal and frequency of publication during the three months the edition is ‘live’.
Contact for more information.
Direct e-mailings to membership from administrator
No charge for any adverts
Adverts for the services of an individual EMDR therapist or supervisor who charges a fee for such a service will not be accepted.
‘Future Events’ list attached to President’s Mailing
No charge
‘Future Events’ list on website
No charge